The first step the DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION for your company

We developed the IT Diagnostic Report with 11 analysis services for the entire IT environment that generated increase in the performance, reduced costs and exports insights with the 5 essential pillars of the architecture as base:

Inove Solutions’ IT Diagnosis aims to generate a systemic and holistic view, ideal for the board members and IT managers, because it presents  the essential points of IT structures and also presents a technical and complete documentation about all IT area.

This report provides recommendations about how to manage the  Infrastructure, Database and Applications, identifying weaknesses and risks in your systems, bringing opportunities to improvement.

The only Diagnostic that provides 11 assessment services enabling a complete view of  IT area;


✔Holistic view about  IT are

✔Informations to development the Disaster Recovery plan

✔Understand why IT costs are rising

✔See the gaps in cybersecurity



Provide speed and security to your clients

Be a driver of innovation on the IT market